Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The evolution of a blog

By the way, if you're a long-time reader of this blog, you're likely going to notice a change in direction. I won't be writing nearly as much about my life as a LEOW. I still belong to that 'club' but I got away from blogging from that slant. It's not the only thing that defines me, although I will probably still write about it from time to time. I moved it to the back burner and it dried out back there. It's kind of a raisin now.

If you're a new reader, welcome! You might be from Twitter. If you haven't figured it out...I'm a cop's wife. If I've given you this link, I probably trust that you are worthy of reading a lot more about my life than I've divulged on Twitter. I hope that doesn't drive you away...I'm quite proud of this life. In my previous twitter incarnation I wasn't comfortable sharing these details with the masses but I think you've seen a paradigm shift if you've been following me for any length of time.

Anyway, glad to have you along for the ride.

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