OK so Babytalk magazine ran an issue of its magazine with a baby breastfeeding on the cover. Other than the fact that a baby wouldn't be feeding from anything on your body other than a breast, you can't even tell it's a breast. That could be a kid with its mouth on a fat arm.
All these people are freaking out about it. I mean, readers of the magazine! Mothers! With babies! That may or may not have breastfed! You have GOT to be kidding me, right? What's obscene about that? WHO CARES? If I see a woman breastfeeding in public, and I have very recently, I will look the other way out of respect for her. Not that I care, nor do I care if Jim sees it. I just figure she doesn't want people staring at her feeding her kid. I'm not going to block anybody's eyes or point her out or run away.
One of the readers wrote in to say that she didn't want her 13 year old son looking at it, because breasts are sexual.
I thought this was 2006, not 1706. This same woman probably thinks adulterers should wear scarlet letters on their chests, too.
I know there's always going to be perverts, but if we would stop 'putting the breast on a pedestal', to paraphrase 40-yr-old Virgin, it wouldn't be this exalted, never-before-seen, erotic fantasy world. It would just be a boob. Talk to any straight woman who has wondered why men are so obsessed with them, and you'll get the same response. "They're just tits."
I have no problem with that picture. In fact, I'm trying to figure out a way to take my monitor into the bathroom for the next 15 minutes.
Don't you dare take away the awesomeness of the boob away from us!
well don't get me wrong, there's definitely beauty in the breast. Plus there's documented evidence of boobs being erotically stimulating for women. And it's ALWAYS obviously stimulating for men....But seriously, who freaks out about boobs? YA GOTTA LOVE THE BOOBS!
Breastfeeding is a natural bodily function...so is urinating, and I personally don't want to do either in public! :) But hey that is just me and I am admittedly a bit of a prude! That cover doesn't seem offensive, but it does kind of look like a butt...
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